Healing PrayersIn our Sunday services, a healing prayer introduces several minutes of meditation while those who wish to have hands-on healing are tended to by the church healers. We invite you to use these healing prayers to set your intention for your own healing meditation. |
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February 23, 2025: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Healing Love
February 16, 2025: Bruce Mason
- Infinite Love
February 9, 2025: Karlin Creed
- Come Home to Ourselves
January 26, 2025: Andrea Kross
- From Spirit To Spirit
January 19, 2025: Karlin Creed
- Here and Now
January 12, 2025: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Caring
January 5, 2025: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Unconditional Love
December 29, 2024: Renatta Piros
- Reflect on 2024
December 22, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Hope, Courage and Faith
December 15, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Moon Reflection
December 1, 2024: Bruce Mason
- World Healing
November 24, 2024: Andrea Kross
- Mosaic
November 17, 2024: Andrea Kross
- Altar
November 10, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Grounding
November 3, 2024: Andrea Kross
- Unconditional Love
October 27, 2024: Lana Ryan
- Healing Starts With Ourselves
October 20, 2024: Debbie Champken
- Absent Healing
October 13, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Healing for the Sick
October 6, 2024: Debbie Champken
- Love is the Greatest Healer
September 29, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Letting Go
September 22, 2024: Debbie Champken
- Love and Healing
September 15, 2024: Bruce Mason
- How Are You Feeling?
September 8, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Be Centered
September 1, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Breath
August 25, 2024: Renatta Piros
- Tree
August 18, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Remembering Family and Friends
August 11, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Connection
August 4, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Pure Love
July 28, 2024: Andrea Kross
- Mirror
July 14, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Your Part in Healing
July 7, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Refresh and Relax
June 30, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Breathe In Healing
June 23, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- For Those Who Are Grieving
June 16, 2024: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- We Are Cared For
June 9, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Give Healing
June 2, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- All Life Is One
May 26, 2024: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Power of Love
May 19, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Love of Spirit
May 12, 2024 (Mother's Day):
- Lee Shanks Opening Prayer: Mother Love
- Bruce Mason Healing Prayer: Sending Love
May 5, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Part 1: Healing Hugs
- Part 2: Transformative Love
April 28, 2024: Debbie Champken
- Healing Place
April 21, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Opportunities
April 14, 2024: John Trottier
- Simple Things
April 7, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Transformation
March 31, 2024: Elaine Robinson
- Renewal
March 24, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Who You Truly Are
March 17, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- An Irish Blessing
March 10, 2024: Karlin Creed
- Surrender a Pet Peeve
March 3, 2024: Andrea Kross
- As God Sees Us
February 25, 2024: Lee Shanks
- Energetic Cleansing
February 18, 2024: Bruce Mason
- The Love Within
February 11, 2024: Andrea Kross
- Washed by Healing Light
February 4, 2024: Bruce Mason
- Energy of Love
January 28, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Community
January 14, 2024: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Lovely to See You
January 7, 2024: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Loving Yourself
December 31, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Clearing Cobwebs
December 24, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Blessing for Those We Love
December 17, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Feel the Love
December 10, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Open to Love
December 3, 2023: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Healing Love
November 26, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Quiet Waters
November 19, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Absent Healing Exercise
November 12, 2023: Joan Garlick
- Fountain of Healing Love
November 12, 2023: Song performed by Ken Hiles, accompanied by Sheila Johnson
- The Way You Are, by Richard Marx and Linda Thompson
November 5, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Conduit for the Creator
October 29, 2023: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Vision for Unity
October 22, 2023: Lana Ryan
- Connection
October 15, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Focus on Love
October 1, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Reconciliation
September 24, 2023: Lana Ryan
- Breathe Healing
September 17, 2023: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Healing Peace
September 10, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Prayers
September 3, 2023: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Prayer for Transition
August 27, 2023: Elizabeth Candlish
- Harry Edwards Prayer
August 20, 2023: Joan Garlick
- Fountain Colours
August 13, 2023: Elizabeth Candlish
- Healing for Everyone
August 6, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Bubble of Calm
July 30, 2023: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Pure Love
July 23, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Shiny New Being
July 16, 2023: Debbie Champken
- We Are All Healers
July 9, 2023: Rev. Carol Spencer
- Compassion
July 2, 2023: Karlin Creed
- The Gift of Breath
June 25, 2023: Bruce Mason
- The Love Within
June 18, 2023: Lee Shanks
- Building Loving Energy
June 11, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Smoke and Fire
June 4, 2023: Bruce Mason
- The Energy of Love
May 28, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Be Your Own Healer
May 21, 2023: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Extend Love
May 14, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Extend Healing to Alberta's Fires
May 7, 2023: Debbie Champken
- Healing Light and Love
April 30, 2023: Lee Shanks
- Prayer of St Francis
April 23, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Transformation
April 16, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Love Flows
April 9, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Salt and Pepper
April 4, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Water Slide
March 26, 2023: Rev. Carol Spencer
- Invoking Healing
March 19, 2023: Rev. Dianne Burrough
- Share Your Love
March 12, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Settle In to Who You Are
March 5, 2023: Rev. Malcolm Gloster
- Laughter and Joy
February 19, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Give Love Away
February 12, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Best and Highest Good
February 5, 2023: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Blanket of Love
January 29, 2022: Joan Garlick
- Healing Fountain
January 8, 2023: Karlin Creed
- Gratitude
January 1, 2023: Bruce Mason
- Heal the Planet
December 18, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Christmas Angels
December 11, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- The Gift of Love
December 4, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Light Through Our Clouds
November 27, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- The Love of Infinite Source
November 20, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Give Over Your Burdens
November 13, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Connecting With Love
October 30, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Earth Energy and Creator Love
October 16, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Rose Petal
September 11, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Inner Peace
September 4, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Settle Your Flying Thoughts
August 28, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Revitalizing Fragrance
August 14, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Grounding with a Pet
August 7, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Hold Hands with a Higher You
July 31, 2022: Rev. Patricia Gunn
- Breath of God
July 3, 2022: Karlin Creed
- Rain Washed Leaves